Conferenza Internazionale contro la violenza sulle donne, Roma 29-30 novembre 2012





Working languages: English and French








Rome, 29 – 30 November 2012

International Conference Hall

P.le della Farnesina, 1

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Rome, Italy


Thursday, 29 November 2012


08.00 – 09.00 Registration


09.00 Opening Session – Welcome addresses


Giulio Terzi di Sant’Agata


, Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs


Philippe Boillat


, Director General, Directorate General of Human Rights and Rule of Law, Council of Europe


Elsa Fornero


, Italian Minister of Labour, Social Policies and Equal Opportunities


Paola Severino Di Benedetto


, Italian Minister of Justice


Song “Stop the silence”, live performance by Ms Aleksandra





10.00 Plenary Session – The Lanzarote Convention and the role of International Cooperation in


tackling sexual violence against children


Chairperson: Elisabetta Belloni,


Director General for Development Cooperation, Italian Ministry of Foreign



Eric Ruelle,


Chairperson of the Lanzarote Committee


Patrizia De Rose


, Head of Equal Opportunities Department, Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers


Marina Marchetti


, Head of sector – Gender Equality and Non-Discrimination, DG Development Co-operation –

DEVCO D1, European Commission (to be confirmed)


Caterina Chinnici,


Head of Juvenile Justice Department, Italian Ministry of Justice


Eugenio Selvaggi,


Head of Justice Affairs Department, Italian Ministry of Justice


11.00 Coffee break




11.30 – Plenary Session – Good practices showcase


Video by Italian Development Cooperation


Chairperson: Elisabetta Belloni


Panel 1 – Projects in Europe


Michele Palma


, Director General of the International Affairs and Social Intervention Office – Equal

Opportunities Department, Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers


Marco Scarpati


, President ECPAT Italia


Raffaele Salinari


President Terre des Hommes Italia and Carmen Di Marino – Studio PAUL HASTINGS


Cristiana de Paoli


, Save the Children


Panel 2 – Regional Programmes


Karla Varela,


Former Child Protection Programme Officer – UNICEF Regional Office for Latin America and the

Caribbean (



Silvia Isabel Rosales Bolaños


, Magistrada de la Corte Centroaméricana de Justicia, Nicaragua


Giorgio Stefano Manzi,


Scientific Investigations Division of the Carabinieri, Criminal Analysis Unit, Italy


Bruno Maltoni


, Project Coordinator, International Organization for Migration (IOM) Phnom Penh


Chou Bun Eng


, Chair National Committee against Human Trafficking, Sexual Exploitation in Women and

Children, Cambodia


Panel 3 – Mediterranean Projects


Luca Portacolone


, Coordinator, MoSAIC – MoSA Initiative Child Centered, Lebanon, Italian Cooperation


Fernande Abou Haidar


, Chief Bureau of Non Governmental Organizations, Ministry of Social Affairs, Lebanon


Teresa Albano


, Counter-Trafficking Focal Point, Coordinator of the SALEM Project, Coordinating Office for the

Mediterranean and Liaison Mission in Italy and Malta, International Organization for Migration (IOM), Rome


Azza El Ashmawey


, General Director NCCM Technical Office, Head of the NCCM Anti Human Trafficking Unit,



Panel 4 – African Projects


Vittoria Luda di Cortemiglia


, Programme Coordinator, Emerging Crimes Unit, United Nations Interregional

Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI)


Josiah Emerole


, National Agency for Prohibition of Traffic in Persons (NAPTIP), Nigeria


Malamine Tamba


, Human Rights Officer, United Nations Office for West Africa – UNOWA, Dakar


Niokhobaye Diouf


, Directeur, Ministère de la Femme, de l’Enfance et de l’Entreprenariat féminin, Senegal


Sandro De Luca


, CISP – Area Manager – Africa


Ahmed Hussein


, Director of Department for Children Services, Ministry of Gender and Youth Affairs, Kenya


13.30 – 14.45 – Buffet


15.00 Plenary Session



Introduction to the Working Groups by Mrs Raffaella Pregliasco, Istituto degli


Innocenti (Florence)




15.30 – 17.30 Working Groups (with availability of coffee)


Working Group 1 (Bilingual) – Justice and human dignity: international agreements to enhance


protection of children victims of sexual exploitation and sexual abuse and to effectively prosecute




Speaker: Anna Pagotto


, Legislation and International Affairs Office, Criminal Justice Department, Italian

Ministry of Justice


Facilitator: Carmen Di Marino




Working Group 2 (English only) – Human Rights: strategic approaches in preventing and combating


sexual exploitation and sexual abuse of children through development cooperation programmes


Speaker : Malamine Tamba


, Human Rights Officer, United Nations Office for West Africa- UNOWA


Facilitator: Bruno Maltoni


, Project Coordinator, International Organization for Migration (IOM) Phnom Penh


Working Group 3 (Bilingual) – Promoting Communication and Education Policies and Strategies


through international cooperation to raise awareness on the right of children to be protected


against sexual violence


Speaker: Cristina de Paoli


, Save the Children


Facilitator: Stefano Scialotti


, international video-maker and communication expert


Friday, 30 November 2012


09.00 – 10.30 Working Groups (





10.30 Coffee break


10.45 – 13.30 Plenary Session: Working Groups results, discussion and conclusions


Chairperson: Gioia Scappucci


, Secretary to the Lanzarote Committee, Children’s Rights Division, Council of



Presentation of the Working Group results by a Rapporteur for each Working Group


Presentation of the Conference Conclusions by Mrs Donata Bianchi, Istituto degli Innocenti (Florence)


Closing remarks


Regína Jensdóttir


, Head of the Children’s Rights Division and Coordinator of the Programme “Building a

Europe for and with Children”, Council of Europe


Elisabetta Belloni


, Director General for Development Cooperation, Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs


13.30 Buffet and departure of participants


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